Up-to-date and reliable data for strategic decision-making

We turn data into valuable business information for you to accelerate revenue, reduce costs and manage risks.

CIAL has a unique approach to data collection and treating processes

We combine high-quality data science and our team of experts to provide information and insights that enable companies to manage risk and accelerate growth.

Companies in the world use D-U-N-S Number
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+150 years
Of data expertise in Latin America
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How is the data collected and processed?

Our business analysts talk directly to company leaders to understand their situation and context, creating a complete view of the business.

Our data engineers collect up-to-date information from government records, legal proceedings files, chambers and credit agencies, and thousands of other reliable sources.

This gives our clients access to accurate information about their companies and their market segment.

How do we transform data into high-quality business information?

We provide our clients with the most comprehensive and accurate data, including critical attributes such as risk scores, business activities and supply chain information, covering companies of all sizes and sectors.

Over 587M companies rely on the CIAL D&B Data Cloud

Why can your company trust CIAL's data?

Due to our exclusive alliance with the Dun & Bradstreet Worldwide Network (WWN), which has led the market for more than 150 years, we are the leading provider of global business information and insights to harness the power of data to maximize performance throughout the company.

We deploy best-in-class strategies to meet and exceed glabal business data quality and security standards to guarantee secure, reliable, and robust data & platforms, allowing you to make the best business decisions.

Reports that bring data to life

CIAL Dun & Bradstreet strives to provide a personalized experience tailored to the individual needs of its clients, ensuring that data is grouped according to depth and delivered in an organized manner, both on our platforms and in our reports.


Business Information Report
Mitigate potential business risks by accessing a company's operations, financial performance and public records.

Supplier Qualifier Report
Access detailed information on any company and analyze the financial, legal and operational capacity of that business as a supplier.

Credit Analysis Report
Determine how much credit to grant your business partners considering their financial condition, payment behavior and risk level.
Compliance Findings Report
Ensure that your business and your relations with third parties and partners comply with regulatory requirements.
Quick-Check Report
Pre-check estimated revenue and protests in less than 5 minutes, speeding up your company's business decisions.

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+10 million registered companies