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9/16/24 11:57 am

Prospecting 5.0

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Prospecting 5.0

The importance and applicability of data management in the corporate environment has long been discussed. Now, in the context of accelerated Digital Transformation, how can we align technological disruption with intelligent and, above all, human prospecting?

The challenge shifts from a supplier-client relationship focused solely on sales to strategies that optimize human and financial resources in the search for the ideal customer—proportionally increasing conversion rates. What percentage of your prospecting list from last month was entirely the wrong persona?

Today, we need to talk about prospecting directly linked to Marketing 5.0, which emphasizes the use of data and strategic intelligence to understand consumer behavior and offer more relevant services, based on their buying journey.

But how do we put this concept into practice?

Here’s what you need to know about Marketing 5.0 applied to prospecting, to increase conversion and generate even greater results. Check it out!

Prospecting in the Data Era

Hours of cold calls, huge Excel lists, and low sales conversion. What used to be the norm in sales departments before the internet remains a reality for many.

According to data from the Global Data Quality Research, consulted companies lose more than 20% of their revenues due to inaccurate data during market analysis. The loss can be even higher when considering the potential revenue from increased conversion rates during prospecting.

To change this scenario, the use of intelligence tools that provide up-to-date information about prospects, their pain points, and needs has become crucial—equipping teams to deliver agile and relevant solutions for each prospect’s context. Ignoring the technological possibilities for data acquisition and management leads to lost productivity and, consequently, missed sales opportunities.

Strategies for Prospecting 5.0

Smarketing (Sales + Marketing)

In theory, everyone understands the advantages of having accurate and accessible information for decision-making when defining the best strategies for prospecting and sales. In practice, the challenge remains aligning marketing and sales teams so that they work toward the same goals for the company’s overall success.

This necessity has led to the concept of "smarketing," the merging of marketing and sales departments with shared objectives and targets.

On one side, the marketing team is armed with data and acquisition strategies, prospecting strategically by segment, industry, and the ideal persona for the company's solutions. On the other side, SDRs and Hunters (new business executives) offer practical insights into the target audience’s characteristics, sales arguments, and pain points, from the demo stage to conversion.

The result is optimized resources for both teams, which now share the same goal and use a unified strategy to reach only prospects who are genuinely interested and at the right stage in the conversion funnel.

Smart Data Collection

At any given moment, there are countless potential customers in need of the solutions your company offers. But how can you reach them when their demand arises?

This is where data becomes essential for Prospecting 5.0, which activates prospects intelligently, working from a data set that directly connects the team with the decision-maker of the client they want to engage.

With high-quality, up-to-date data, you can leverage this detailed and accurate information to develop faster and more effective prospecting strategies.

Using a prospecting platform, you can qualify and segment prospects based on their interest in your products and services. This makes your contact far more relevant, as your team offers what the customer is actually seeking.

In this way, aligning up-to-date data with a multichannel demand generation strategy, CIAL Dun & Bradstreet achieves impressive acquisition and conversion rates, such as:

  • 48% email open rate with 16% direct responses in outbound campaigns.
  • 75% CTR (click-through rate) in inbound campaigns with a CPL (cost per lead) below R$100.00, which is 3x lower than the market average for the B2B tech sector.
  • 64% conversion rate from SQL (Sales Qualified Lead) to Opportunity (OP).

These remarkable metrics in every stage of the funnel prove the effectiveness of well-executed analysis, communication, measurement, and results delivery.

Digital Tools (Social Media)

The more data you have about prospects within your ideal customer profile, the higher the conversion rate. In a world driven by technology and Digital Transformation, there’s no better time to take advantage of available platforms to connect quickly with your company's target audience.

LinkedIn, a leading platform for B2B content, continues to be a powerful tool for prospecting. It is growing rapidly, not just in the number of users—boasting 260 million active profiles per month—but also in terms of engagement.

According to a recent Opinion Box survey, 28% of respondents use LinkedIn more now than they did 12 months ago, and 30% expect to use it even more.

Regarding user profiles, the survey shows that 37% work at companies with over 500 employees, while 29% are employed by firms with 26 to 500 workers.

These statistics highlight LinkedIn’s relevance as a major asset for teams using digital tools to filter qualified prospects. Through LinkedIn's ad platform, you can target specific users, ensuring your communication reaches the right people.

You can even choose how to approach your prospects, whether through images, text, or personalized messages directly in the inbox of a high-ranking decision-maker from a target company. Always remember, however, that while technology helps segment and streamline the process, the human touch is crucial to maintaining meaningful engagement during active prospecting.

So, how do you find these individuals? This is where data and technology play a key role, enabling highly effective, time-saving prospecting by putting you in front of the right people.

Scaling with Technology

Just as social media enhances team efficiency and conversion efforts, other tools contribute to a goal common to nearly all companies: scaling results.

It's important to remember that a company’s healthy growth isn’t always tied to physical expansion or new hires. Instead, the best way to scale sustainably is by automating strategic processes and workflows—boosting efficiency and results.

Process automation acts as a lever for business growth, focusing on strategies that foster innovation, process digitalization, and real-time data analysis.

By aligning automation with data, you can leverage insights generated by predictive market intelligence for scalable growth.

Finally, whether your strategy is online or offline, it’s worth noting that data and technology always require human sensitivity to interpret correctly, adjust communication, and provide the personalization that clients expect.

Prospecting 5.0 prioritizes data-driven decision-making while keeping consumer needs at the heart of the process—considering their history, journey, and aspirations!

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